Saturday, July 01, 2006


This evening at YVT- Nico Jenkins leads a discussion on the Hatha Yoga Pradipika as part of our special series Four Classic Texts of Yoga Philosophy. Join us at 6:30, please bring your copy of the text. Here's a preview: Chapter 1.12 - 13 The student of hatha yoga should practice in a solitary place, in a temple or a hermitage, an arrow shot away from rocks, water, and fire. The land should be fertile and well governed. (13) The hermitage should have a small door and no windows. It should be level with the ground and have no holes in the wall. [It should be] neither too high nor too long, and clean and free from insects. It should be laid daily with cow dung. Outside there should be a raised platform with an elevated seat and a water tank. The whole should be surrounded by a wall. See you tonight!