Monday, March 06, 2006


If you live in Burlington, you may be growing weary of the battling campaign signs that have sprouted all over... but please, tomorrow is a very important day for residents of Burlington, and (at Town Meetings and elections throughout Vermont for that matter) and we urge you to GET OUT AND VOTE. Candidate Hinda Miller is a familar face around the studio and has been very supportive of us for many years. She is a dear friend, an inspiration and will be a gift to this city. And, thanks to Burlington's adoption of the new and somewhat curious Instant Run-Off Voting we're happy to give an IRV thumbs up for Progressive Candidate Bob Kiss. Regardless of where you live or how you vote, please, make the effort. A few quick links:
Seven Days Election Coverage

Burlington Free Press Election Coverage

Be the change that you want to see in the world. (Ghandi)